Friday, October 29, 2010

The Hunger Games trilogy - Suzanne Collins

To read or not to read......?  That WAS the question.  I like young adult fiction, but was thinking "uh, apocalyptic.......uh........"  Just didn't seem like the book(s) for me.  But, BOY, was I sucked in FAST!  I couldn't put the first one down due to the never-ending supply of cliff-hangers!

The Hunger Games
Catching Fire

These books were certainly entertaining, but were surprisingly violent.  I don't mind that fact TOO much, but this book was about KIDS and that bothered me a bit.  But I read books that are fiction AS I just swallowed that fact and pushed onwards.

Like I said - cliff-hangers are a killer.

And each chapter in all the books kept me wanting to read more....and more and more!!

So, even though they REALLY reminded me (at first) of the City of Ember books (which I only liked a little and only the first one), I just thoroughly enjoyed them.  The characters were inspiring, strong, courageous and lovable.  Collins did a wonderful job at letting you see the heart of each one without giving away the continuous twists and turns of the plot.  Katniss, Gale, Prim, Peeta, Rue, Cinna, and even Haymitch......... Well, they all became my "friends."  I LOVE that when that happens.  When I feel like I know the people. 

The politics of the book really put me on edge.  Scares me to think that our world could become that....who knows.  What we know of North America is divided into districts and "The Capital" is in control.  SERIOUSLY in control.  Each district is ruled over with unfairness, held in poverty and famine, while The Capital gains all the goods.  So - of course - the districts eventually rebel.  This takes place over the three books, starting very slowly and building up to Mockingjay (the third book).  While The Hunger Games is character building, exciting and gives you the basic picture of this futuristic America, each book follows suit with a little bit more information on what the big picture really looks like.

Whoooooooo would like these bookies?!?  Hm.  Well, my neighbor friend (a freshman in high school) LOVED them.  Her mom did, too.  Like I said, they are VERY entertaining for those of you that like that fantasy, futuristic edge to a book.  I'm usually not a huge fan, but the warmth of the characters in this book helped me tremendously.  I HAD to know what happened to them next!  And it's sad.  Pretty darn sad at times.  I said there is a lot of violence.   Well, there is.  And characters you love die.  I won't spoil it too much, but if you read it, know that just because it's "youth fiction" doesn't mean you won't be protected by mushy, sweet, careful writing.  Ya know what I mean?  It's still pretty "pure" as far as fiction goes, but.....not entirely.

****SPOILER ALERT!******

The only thing that really bugged me, to be honest with ya'll, is that the end was a bit anti-climactic.  Collins had all these twists and turns and events that caught you by surprise, but the one thing that you knew from the get-go was that Katniss did everything she did for Prim.  She takes Prim's place right from the start to protect her sister.  And then (I'll tread cautiously here, but don't read if you plan on reading the book) the stuff with Prim happens at the end and it's like "okay.  We can end the book now."  I still loved the books, but I guess I expected more from the end.  A triumph.  A WIN!  Instead, life changed, but just kinda.....went on.  Okay.  The End.

But with all that said - I enjoyed these reads.  I miss my friends all ready.

(4 stars)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Blind Side - Michael Lewis

Well, I've raved and raved about a couple books now.  I've said all the positive things I could about the last few books I've read.  I guess it's time to slip in a negative. 

Being an avid reader, but not a literary critic, give me some breathing room here.  The Blind Side wasn't a BAD book, per se.  I didn't find the writing to be horrible.  The truth be told, I skimmed this book so fast, I can't really tell you if the writing itself was good or bad.  Just boring.

But before you jump all over me because I just said a book (that you may possibly love!) is boring, I gotta explain that I just do NOT like football.  I hardly ever watch a game, and if I do I prefer it to be in person because there are a lot more exciting things going on than the game itself.  I don't HATE football, I just don't like it.  I don't get it.  I don't care to get it.  Give me another game.  Basketball?  Baseball?  Soccer?  Yeah - I'll take those. 

And I KNOW this book was all about football.  I know because I saw the movie.  I know because I understand it's based on a true story.  I know all that and thought that I'd fall in love with the characters.

Nope.  Don't even feel like I know them at all after reading a whole book about 'em.

So, I can't give The Blind Side a very good review.  But YOU might be able to.  Do you love football?  Do you give a flip about the right tackle or the quarterback or the.....whatever?  Then read this.  If you like the recruiting stories, the competition and the challenge of getting just that right guy to play football at your college?  Then read this. 

If you're looking for depth of character, particularly one that has had a horrible upbringing and is graciously "saved" by a white-collar, wealthy family that you'd think, in essence, would look the other way?  Don't read this.  Watch the movie.

And I NEVER say that.

(two stars)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follet

I don't know where to begin.  As I start writing now, I feel like I did when I first started this book.  Hesitant.  Intimidated.  Overwhelmed. 

In fact, I started it about three times before I REALLY read it.  It's thick.  The time frame, the subject and the intensity were quite intimidating.

I'm so glad I got over that!  This book is absolutely amazing!  The plot keeps you moving, wanting more.  The characters are endearing or loathsome, depending on which one you're reading about (and there are quite a few!)  The theme, which is too difficult to sum up, was compelling and wonderfully woven.  I just loved this book!

I actually started (the fourth attempt) LISTENING to this book.  ( - check it out!) An internet friend of mine suggested I listen to it.  That honestly helped me get into the story, although I realized I really am a poor listener!)  I would pop my earphones in as I exercised.  Time flew.  I grew engrossed in the story.  And I could multi-task! Being able to hear the names, the places and the story itself really was what drew me in.

And then I couldn't put the book down after I listened to about half of it and actually picked the novel up.  (It also got too hot to go on my walks and listen!) 

Some of the situations in Pillars were graphic, violent and harsh.  The times themselves, middle of the 12th century, were just that - violent and harsh.  This book is set during a time that's been called The Anarchy.  A king is dead.  Who will replace him?  There is a battle between religion and power of the kingdom.  Everyone wants to win.  Anyone who tries to win by force, greed and manipulation shall never gain true power.  The battle rages on as faith is tested. 

And that's what it boils down to for me.  Faith.  Faith in God.  Faith in oneself.  Faith in dreams being fulfilled.  Tom Builder had a dream to build a magnificent cathedral.  All the trials and tribulations that spin 'round and 'round about him could pull him under......or lift him up.  Does it really matter who is king in his world?  Does it really matter who has the power?  Read the book.  Find out.

Who should read it?  I can't say EVERYONE because it's definitely not for everyone.  It's not gender specific, but there are some major heroines and romance in this terrific novel for the chicks.  Sword fights, power plays and murder could draw in anyone interested in mystery and suspense.  Fowl language and awful, corrupt actions aren't for the readers who prefer innocents and purity.  And if the incredible length of this book doesn't scare you off......

Read.  The.  Book.

(Five stars, baby!)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Girl.... (Steig Larsson)

All three books.  All three thrilling, brutal, time-sucking, can't-put-'em-down books.

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played With Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

These books kept me turning the page until they were done.....because I had no choice.  They didn't suck me in immediately, though, because they were WORK at the beginning.  For me, anyway.  I had to kind of skim the names, locations, business and such because 1) I couldn't pronounce half of them or 2) they all seemed so similar that I was just going to get confused about them later regardless of the time I spent "learning" them at the beginning.

I read these book with my step-mom.  The third we literally were racing to finish together.  We weren't racing each other, we were just anxious to get it DONE so that we could move on with life!  They kept us on our toes to the very end....and then the real end....and then finally THE END END.  The third book seemed to have a lot of loose ends that needed to get tied-up before it ended so it just kinda went on and on.....but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  Just an exhausting thing.

So, how do I REALLY feel about these crazy books?  I wasn't quite sure about the first one.  I thought it was so brutal and....well....frankly, nasty.  I loved the mystery and the main characters, Lisbeth and Mikael.  I loved the sound of the location and all the players in the story.  I hated the horrible treatment of women.  (Ah HA - I know.  The book is originally translated as "Men Who Hate Women.")  But I seriously still can't say I disliked the book.  And as I read the second?  I grew to like #1 even better.  The third and final book really had me loving the whole entire trilogy.  So much so that I plan on reading them all again.....someday.....after I rest and read some no-brainers. ;-)

I would recommend this book to a certain select group of people.  It's not for the romancy, touchy-feely book lovers.  It's not for the faint of heart, either.  Nor for the ones who love a funny, light, simple plot.  But those that are okay with reading about the brutality that some women face by men/family/others and are fine with some serious swearing.....then read this deeply woven mystery.

* * * * *
(five stars from me!)

Monday, June 21, 2010

So many books, so little time!

I love books.  I am obsessed with books.  I think about buying books like lots of women think about buying clothes.....or shoes!  I spend A LOT of my money on books.  YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS!

With that said, I thought I would start a little blog (probably not updated a ton) about the books I've read, am reading or will hopefully read someday.  Again - so many books, so little time.

I probably shouldn't admit this right outta the gate, but I write down all the books I've bought (yes, I DO know about libraries) and scratch them off as I read them.  About once a year or so, I revamp my list.  I create a new list with the books I own that I haven't read and add the ones I've read to another list.  I'm not necessarily a list maker for anything else.  Just. My. Books.

My list is up to 154 books.  That doesn't count the ones I've crossed off though.  Nor does it count the ones I've bought, read and added to the "read" list before re-doing my "to-read" list again.  So, I guess not only are books my obsession, but keeping track of my books has become somewhat of one, too.

I am a self-diagnosed "book freak," and I'm not ashamed of it.  And I don't want help with it.  I'm just sayin'.

So, here I will record my own OPINION of the books I've read.  I know everyone has different tastes - especially in literature - and will have entirely different (or sometimes similar) opinions of the books I will write about.  I'm not here to pass judgment on authors or books that aren't necessarily in the genre I prefer, so I hope that you won't pass judgment on ME and my views.  I'll always stay polite (unless a book STINKS).  I will try to avoid spoilers (unless we get a discussion going in the "comments" section).  I will have a vast array of genres ('cause that's what I like - variety).  I will try to post as I finish a book (which could very well be sporadic.)

I hope you join in.  I really, truly do.  I love a good book discussion almost more than I love my own kids. (I'm teasing, really!)  I share my books because I want others to enjoy them as much as I do (just don't dog-ear my pages, please!).  And if you want to SUGGEST any books to me, please be warned.  I WILL go out and buy it - or put it on my wish list at Amazon!

With ALLLLLL of that said, I'm no literary genius.  I don't have a degree in English or Literature or anything special like that.  In fact, I'm probably not the best writer of reviews, either.  But I'm a busy mom who loves to read when she can.

So, "follow" me as I go on this journey (less damaging than dog-earring pages, that's for sure) and add your two cents.  Just don't read the end before you get there. ;-)