Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pulled - Amy Lichtenhan

I read this book in two days.

{I probably could have read it in less, but I didn't want it to end!}

There are two, three reasons why I read this book so fast.

One being:  IT.  WAS.  GOOD.

Second being:  I know the author!  Yes - it's true.  I went to high school with her.  :)

The last reason being:  I was just so compelled to see what happened to the main characters in this book that I needed to read just the beginning of the next chapter for a bit of resolution.  Well, I couldn't read JUST the beginning.....  COMPELLED

I guess that last reason is much like the first.  So?

Pulled was a wonderfully woven story about two young lovers who's lives are torn apart at the seams when they lose their baby girl, neither one of them understanding what or who is tearing them apart.  Nine years passes them by and suddenly they are thrown back together at a chance encounter.  What happened nine years ago that separated them?  What will happen now?  So much time has passed.  So much has happened.  Daniel and Melanie seem worlds apart, but their hearts are still in tune.

I love how Amy was able to flip back and forth seamlessly not only between the past and the present, but also between characters.  It was nice to be able to share the view of both protagonists.  The story was crisp, clear and left no holes or questions.  I suppose it was a bit predictable, but I find that reassuring and "natural" in a romance novel.  It wasn't a contrived storyline, but flowed through the details with ease.

I did find myself with tears on occassion, but not in the parts you would assume.  Yes, there are some tear-jerker moments, but I tend to cry with joy at the happy parts more often.  I rejoiced with the good times and pouted during the bad.  But I could tell that the book would have a positive ending.  I LOVE THAT.  I read so many books that may or may not end the way I want them to.  I'll still read them, but - like I said - I pout.

I'm all about the happy ending these days.

For a novice writer, Amy took me on a vacation for a couple of days.  When a book holds me to it even when I'm not reading it, it's a darn good book in my mind.  I can't tell if it's because I know the author and was just so stinkin' excited to read something she wrote or if she just wrote a good story.  Aw heck.  Who am I kidding?!  I thought it was a wonderful story and would have read it REGARDLESS of my familiarity with the person who penned it.

But I do know this book isn't for everyone.  I stated to my hubby when I finished it that every husband should read a romance novel.  Hee!  But - he won't.  Most guys won't, I suppose.  But it would be good for them.  Get some romance flowin' in their relationship.  And I know that some women don't even like a good romance novel.  That's okay.  This isn't for you, either.  But those of you that dig chick lit or some schmoopiness (yes, that's a word) in your life, grab this book.  SWEET, sweet book.

(5 stars, OF COURSE!)


These Is My Words - Nancy Turner

Death.  A lot of death.  Depressing, drag ya down death.  (Uh, is there any other kind?)

But hope, too!  I thought, after the first few chapters of These Is My Words, that I would seriously have to find another book to read.  The story was interesting, I really liked the characters.....but then those characters would die or be close to someone that did.

Now, I know that was part of the 1880's...with wagon trains, expanding the western territories and violent Indian raids.  But for Sarah Prine, it was a horribly sad time of loss and pain.  Her words cut through me and I just didn't know if I could read any more.

But I did - and I'm so glad!  Her close-knit family and all it's quirks, challenges and wonderful personalities kept me loving them through the whole book.  I know this story is just BASED on true accounts of Sarah Prine's life, but I'm so hoping some of the good times, the antics and the love that flowed between the people were true.  I just LOVE her and her story.

It's a tough read, but a wonderful, fictional account in a difficult time in history.  I'm a big fan of historical fiction, so this was right up my alley - with a bit more truth than I'm used to, but something I'll turn to again.  It was deeply moving in parts, frustrating in others and then just downright hilarious at times.

Read it.  You won't regret it.  It's actually a fairly easy read considering the history behind it.  Because it's in diary form, there are little to no "empty" words or long descriptions.  I got the idea and picture in my head JUST FINE.  Perfectly tuned in to what was going on - even thought it was only from one persons perspective and in first person.  I was never bored and never confused.  The story just simply flowed. it.  Unless you like fantasy or books with the eternal happy ending.  'Cause then, well, you'll be sorely disappointed.

I PROBABLY won't read the sequels.  (I believe there are two more?)  I haven't decided at this point.  I liked this story, but I don't know if I need more.  I know, I'm weird like that.  But - so many books, so little time!

(4 Stars)